Статья 10216

Title of the article



Poltavskiy Aleksandr Vasil'evich, doctor of technical sciences, leading researcher, Institute of management problems of Russian Academy of Sciences named after V. A. Trapeznikov (117997, 65 Profsoyuznaya street, Moscow, Russia), avp57avp@yandex.ru
Zhumabaeva Asel' Sagnaevna, senior lecturer, sub-department of space engineering and technology, Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilyov (010000, 2 Satpaeva street, Astana, Kazahstan), almatyaseri@mail.ru
Ayzharikov Kuat Aydangalievich, lecturer, sub-department of radio-electronic equipment of the flight vehicles, Military Institute of the Air Defense Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after T. Ya. Begel'dinov (463024, 16 A. Moldagulova avenue, Aktobe, Kazakhstan), aizharikov@mail.ru
Pivkin Anton Viktorovich, candidate of technical sciences, senior stuff scientist, sub-department of radio equipment design and production, Penza State University (440026, 40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), antonyxy@gmail.com
Telegin Aleksey Mihajlovich, candidate of technical sciences, senior stuff scientist, sub-department of radio equipment design and production, Penza State University (440026, 40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), talex85@mail.ru

Index UDK

629.78.05; 629.76.05


It is shown that the theory of making decision allows to do the choice of line of behavior in different situations. Basic property of rational decision is an optimality, i.e. the variant chosen other things being equal must have the highest estimation. This simple principle of aspiring to maximization of winning and minimization of losses appears most reasonable in simple situations. However, during work with technical objects (by the technical systems) a human factor (wrong decisions) over can bring to non-fulfillment of their basic setting, losses of financial and temporal character. In the conditions of scientific and technical progress, becoming of the new technological mode based on new and, foremost, informative technologies, the choice of correct and scientifically-reasonable decision acquires a primary value. Within the created system of measures for management and ensuring release of qualitative production the new science – a kvalimetriya as which experts understand science about measurement of quality of various objects was created. This science is based on modern methods and models of an assessment of quality and a technological level of the created production and successfully develops. In relation to production of a special purpose the method of an assessment TU of samples of arms and military equipment with attraction of mathematical methods of the theory of decision making and expert estimates which then has received application and approbation at an assessment of concrete samples of VVT has been offered. This method, was widely adopted among scientists and specialists of defense industry complex owing to simplicity, availability, reliability and efficiency of receiving results. Features are considered and the basic concepts of procedure of decision-making, and also one of approaches to a problem definition at an assessment of a technological level of difficult technical systems and the choice of alternatives during their creation are specified.

Key words

complex technical system, multi-level complex technical systems, systems analysis, life cycle, life cycle stage, the process of decision-making, decision maker, the alternative (Alternative), indicators and performance criteria.


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Дата создания: 27.09.2016 09:27
Дата обновления: 27.09.2016 15:42