Статья 16423

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Andrey V. Masloboev, Doctor of technical sciences, associate professor, leading researcher of the laboratory of information technologies for industrial-natural system management, Putilov Institute for Informatics and Mathematical Modeling of the Federal Research Centre "Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences";
chief researcher of the laboratory of nature-inspired technologies and environmental safety of the Arctic, Nanomaterials Research Centre of the Federal Research Centre "Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (14 Fersmana street, Apatity, Russia), masloboev@iimm.ru


Background. The research work is aimed at adapting and applying state-of-the-art cybernetic methods for analyzing complex dynamic systems in order to improve the management efficiency of regional critical infrastructures resilience and safety, and enhancing the analytical capabilities of decision support systems used in this area. The urgency of this problem is due to the lack of a unified methodological framework and best practices for maintaining the  stable resilient operating of critical infrastructures of various levels and types under conditions of uncertainty and risk. Materials and methods. The fundamentals of current research are the theory of holonomic and invariant automatic systems and the method of linguo-combinatorial modeling of organizational and technical systems, proposed by Professor Mikhail B. Ignatyev back in 1963. This theoretical basis provides the modern concept advancement of complex systems resilience in terms of formalizing and structuring the methodology and objectives of managing this immanent attribute (capacity) of self-preservation of these systems. Results and conclusions. The issues of applicability of linguo-combinatorial models for situational management of critical infrastructures and the dynamics of their adaptative characteristics are examined. A novel linguo-combinatorial model for managing the critical infrastructure resilience, formalized in the form of an equivalent system of differential equations with arbitrary coefficients, is proposed. The model can be used by critical infrastructures operators to study the system behavior and develop control actions aimed at maintaining the system performance characteristics in the range of its adaptative capabilities under various operating conditions and critical-case scenarios of adverse events via launching stabilization and coordination mechanisms that implement combined control by deviation and external disturbance.

Ключевые слова

critical infrastructure, resilience, safety, management, system, adaptative capacity, linguo-combinatorial model


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Для цитирования:

Masloboev A.V. Application of the Ignatyev adaptative maximum principle in management of critical infrastructures resilience. Nadezhnost' i kachestvo slozhnykh sistem = Reliability and quality of complex systems. 2023;(4):165–178. (In Russ.). doi: 10.21685/2307-4205-2023-4-16


Дата создания: 12.01.2024 09:46
Дата обновления: 12.01.2024 11:10